Friday, February 27, 2009

Here she is ready to come home from the hospital! She's filled out a bit since then and is putting on weight. She was jaundiced, so we've had to bring her into the hospital for a blood test every day since she's been home. She started treatment yesterday and is hooked up to a Wallaby (she looks like a little glow-worm). The results today were good, but the dr. wants us to keep her on it over the weekend and get tested again on Monday. Hopefully at that point she'll be all better and we can hold her and play with her again!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tamsin Olivia is here!

She was born at 6:56 AM Saturday, February 21. She weighed 7 lbs, 2 oz and was 19 inches long. We're home now and doing well, and I know we owe everyone some pictures. There are lots in the camera, just need to get them posted. I'll get to that soon...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pictures - 35 and 37 weeks

Here I am at 35 weeks, I think...

And at 37 weeks this past Saturday. The dress made me look pretty big, but people are still telling me I don't look like I'm this close to my due date. Whatever they say, it's still less than 3 weeks until the date!
The room is pretty close to finished. I need to take some photos to post of that, so hopefully I'll get them up over the weekend. We still need to get the carseat installed, but for the most part we're ready to go!