Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pictures from last weekend




Belly at 27 weeks

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Long work weekend

We both took off Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday to get stuff done around the house. We don't get many days off together because of our work schedules, so it's hard to get anything done together. It was nice to have 4 days in a row. We took all 3 animals to the vet, which is something we could never do seperately, so now everyone is up to date on shots. But our big project for the weekend was painting the baby's room! It was quite a production because we had a lot of junk piled up in there, and also in the room that we needed to move all of the junk into. We did a lot of organizing and moving stuff around to start with, but we were ready to paint by Saturday. Esther and Jesse came over to help, Mike's parents were here and my mom was here, too, so it was a busy, productive day! We got a coat of paint, and also lots of cleaning done. Esther even cleaned out and organized two of our closets! Today we got the second coat on, and we'll take a look in the morning to see if we'll need another coat. We used a new paint that has no VOCs, so it was supposed to be safer for me to be around. It hardly even smells.

Mike took before and after pictures, and new pictures of my now giant belly at 27 weeks. I'll post them hopefully in the next couple days so you all can see our progress. It's back to work tomorrow, so goodnight!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of the family! Here are the ultrasound pictures for anyone who didn't get to see them yet.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

24 Weeks

I'm 24 weeks and some people are telling me I'm huge, others are saying I'm tiny. I've decided ignoring all of them makes for less stress. I'm sure I'll get a lot of good advice, but sometimes all the opinions don't help!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

First Post

So it's late at night and I should be in bed already, but Leah inspired me to start a blog. I'm hoping so keep this site updated so that anyone who wants to can keep up with us as we get ready for the baby and beyond. Right now I'm 23 weeks pregnant. The baby is about a foot long and weighs roughly a pound. So far everything is going so well. We just started our registry, and it's really overwhelming trying to figure out what we need. Next step is getting her room ready, and anyone who knows us knows that getting anything in our house together is a challenge! But I can't wait until we're ready to start painting and putting things together.

The baby moves around a lot, which is really cool. This is probably when she'll be most active, since as she gets bigger she'll have less room for all of the acrobatics she's practicing now. We have a book of 101,000 baby names. That's a lot of names to get through, much less decide on! But we do have a few months left to figure it out. That's it for now, but I'll add some photos and things soon. Goodnight!